Occupational Therapy (OT) is the client-centred assessment followed by therapeutic intervention; through meaningful participation & engagement in purposeful activities/ occupational tasks to:
- enable individuals to independently participate in the Occupational Areas i.e activities of daily living (ADL)- mobility, grooming, eating, dressing, etc., use of instruments in day-to-day activities (IADL)- use of pen/pencil, phone/tab/ computer, spoon/fork, etc.; academic / work-related functions; social interaction and personal well-being
- prevent disability/ deficits through early intervention..
- develop or re-develop performance skills- physical [gross / fine motor], co-ordination, sensory-processing, social, academic [handwriting, written expression, reading, math], cognitive-perceptual [attention, memory, verbal fluency, comprehension, problem-solving, planning, organizing, executive functions, etc.], social & emotional/ psychological
- adapt to maintain or enhance/ improve the occupational performance level [adaptation of environment or task or method of doing the task]
- overcome or recover from functional deficits/ challenges/ difficulties to lead an independent, productive and valuable member of the society
I believe, we Occupational Therapists are skill-developers, health promoters and functional-independence providers to help you "Live Life to Fullest"
It is provided by qualified Occupational Therapists i.e. medical professionals with educational qualification of "Bachelors of Occupational Therapy [B.O.T/B.O.Th]; Masters of Occupational Therapy [M.O.T/ M.O.Th] &/ Fellowship in Advanced Occupational Therapy [F.A.OT]"
With a decade of practice, I have seen 10-15 fold increase in awareness & demand of Occupational Therapy (OT), as a go-to therapy for many individuals- adults and children alike, both typical and neuro-diverse for multiple reasons and concerns- developmental, physical, work-related or psycho-social skills..
" Every coin has two-sides" With this increased awareness and demand, the flip-side of it... has seen many non-Occupational Therapist practicing as "Occupational Therapist (OTist)" after doing few certifications / workshops. Hence, my sincere urge to you, my dear readers is to take OT sessions from qualified OTists with above mentioned educational qualifications only.